'The Last Straw'
'The Last Straw'
“Fragility is something I know absolutely nothing about. Not that I am not fragile, I probably am, it is just that I imagine I am so oblivious to it that I would end up broken before realising that perhaps I was fragile. In the midst of my ignorance, I still wonder about the complexity of being fragile, feeling as though the very foundation you sit upon is at peril and that the one thing you hold onto so tightly is in actual fact so pathetically not worth anything that its value is largely measured by the fact that you continue to hold it.”
60% of the purchase price from this print goes directly to OrphFund projects. This year funds raised will enable us to establish a new primary school and create a vocational workspace hub in the Kasese district in western Uganda.
All prints are hand signed, printed in rural Victoria and are limited edition with only 15 copies of this print available.
Dimensions: Width - 240mm Height - 240mm